St. Kateri, maiden so pure, Christian so faithful, lover so kind, we call on you, with faith and hope, to intercede with our Lord Jesus to bring physical, emotional and spiritual healing to our friends.

We believe that Jesus heals. We believe that Jesus wants good things for us. And so we make our prayer with the confidence and the fervent expectation that something wondrous, something powerful, something life-giving will happen.

Inspire us to believe as you have believed to the presence and the power of Our Lord. Amen.

O Great Lily of the Mohawks, we ask that you take our intentions to the foot of the cross. Ask Jesus to bring healing to those who are heavily burdened. Through your intercession, may this favor be granted if it is according to the will of God. By your prayer, help us always to remain faithful to Jesus and to his Holy Church. St. Kateri Tekakwitha, pray for us. Amen.

Harry Bacalia
Sue Bacalia
Norma Jean Bak
Colleen Barston
Rosa Bear
Carolyn Brunell
Cindy Brunell
David Brunell
John Cassar
Phil Ciavaglia
Bob DeSantis
Mary Hepler
Lina Herring
Emily Hudson
David Jeter
Erna Karr
Fr. Terry Kerner
Louay Kezy
Stan Kozlowicz
Malerie Kubica
Stanley Lane
Jerry McLean
Anne Munir
David Munir
Sean Munir
Dorothy Nouhan
Kathy Ochs
Kevin O’Day
Michael Owen
Terry Petlichkoff
Ron Prowse
Judy Quinlan
Pat Quinlan
Fe Roland
Kim Rzucidlo
Frances Savel
Rose Mary Schimizzi
Kelly Sobon
Rob Sobon
Stan Sajewski, Jr.
Eileen Stoner
Janice Strimpel
Lottie Surmacz
Roy Swift
Susan Swift
Helen Yeghiazarian

Please remember in prayer those parishioners listed above.

***Please note that the names above will be kept on the list for 2 months and then will be removed.

To re-list or add names for the month please call the parish office at (313) 336-3227.